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Athletic Procedures & Requirements

A variety of athletic activities are available  in which students may participate providing they meet eligibility requirements that may apply.


In order to participate in a sport at Lakewood, students must have strong attendance, be up-to-date on all schoolwork, be in good academic standing, and have a good behavior record (no more than three minor/major discipline referrals per season).

Students are required to have a physical every two years prior to participation in any school sponsored practice or contest. The purpose of the physical is to determine the child’s fitness for the rigorous exercise imposed by participation in athletics.  In addition, the student must have a signed concussion and head injury information sheet on file with the school. No student will be allowed to participate in any school sponsored practice or contest without the physical signed by the examining physician and the signed concussion form. Also, in order to play in any contest the athletic fee must be paid prior to playing in that sport.

Eligibility will be checked on a weekly basis.  Students must maintain up-to-date academic work at all times. Students ineligible for more than two weeks will be removed from the team for the remainder of the season. 


A student must attend school for half the school day in order to participate in a contest, practice, or any team-related activity.  The only exception to this is a pre-arranged absence for a medical appointment with a doctor’s excuse.

Commitment is part of any successful organization. Players are expected to participate in all practices unless per-arranged with the coach before the end of the school day. If a player has an excused absence from school, it will not count as a missed practice.

Athletic Forms Packet 

Athletic Opportunities 

Fall Sports 
Cross Country
Boys Softball
Girls Softball
Girls Basketball
Girls Basketball Cheerleading

Boys Basketball
Boys Basketball Cheerleading

Early Spring
Boys Volleyball 
Girls Volleyball 

Boys Track  
Girls Track 

If you have any questions concerning your child’s physical on file at Lakewood School please call the office 262.877.2148.

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