Lakewood PTO
Welcome to the PTO section! All of the information you need can be found on this page. Dates for upcoming events can be found in our calendar section.
Why is the PTO important? The PTO funds extra programs and items that are not in the school budget. We assist teachers in the classroom, volunteer for events and provide extra help with purchases when needed. We offer our school and community functions to bring our families together.

You can show your support by using the Box Tops for Education app to scan your store receipt and instantly add cash to the PTO’s earnings. Our earnings are used to help teachers and students get the supplies they need! It’s easy to get started - all you need is your phone! Download the Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then use the app to scan your store receipt within 14 days of purchase.
Your PTO Board

PTO Board
President: Gretchen Heckel
Vice President: Cheri Dohse
Secretary: Abby Vozel
Treasurer: Mary McCormick
Meeting Schedule:
- I want Lakewood School to be one of the best schools in Wisconsin.
- I want my child to have a great school year – to learn and to have fun!
- I want to help decide how PTO funds are spent.
- I want to help make a difference.
- I want all the students at Lakewood be successful.
If the above statements are true, then “help us help the school”. Parent involvement is critical for a successful school, so volunteer as a PTO member or an event chair for the 2020-2021 school year. There are tasks that take no more than a couple hours a month, some that are seasonal, and a few that require a routine commitment.
Dedicated teachers, staff, and parents help make Lakewood a great school! Join us – it’s rewarding, it’s important, it’s even fun! Volunteers help Lakewood School meet our mission to succeed by contributing their time to support our students. Thank you parents, staff and friends of Lakewood for all you do!
If you are interested in joining the PTO, you can do so at anytime during the year. Membership dues are only $5.00 per family. If you would like additional information about the PTO, please contact us at by clicking the link above, attend our monthly meetings or contact a board member directly. Individual contact information can be found on the PTO Board Information tab.